Dustin "Goes To Hollywood" Campbell
Mallie Moore

Nathan Simmons
Founder and host
Co-founder and co-host
JT Kelly
TSLP is a weekly podcast where host Dustin "Goes To Hollywood" Campbell and co-hosts Mallie Moore and Nathan Simmons discuss a film that ends with the viewer or even the characters themselves not feeling very well. We'll talk about what we like about the movie, what we don't, and any inside info we can dig up. At the end of the show, we'll attempt to find a silver lining for the characters or viewer once the credits start to roll. Some films have easier silver linings to find than others, but we will always find something.
Our goal is to build the ultimate playlist of films with downer endings for the cinematic masochist in all of us. What separates us from every “Top 10 Movies With Depressing Endings” blog post (besides being a podcast) is that we offer hope for the audience when it’s all said and done. Things may appear bleak once the movie fades to black, but every movie has a silver lining; you just have to know where to look. That’s our credence, and we consider ourselves archeologists of optimism when it comes to film. We may not be great at it, but we do our best every episode to find a silver lining.
That being said, we are driven to have as many laughs per episode as we can pack in. We don't take ourselves too seriously and don't expect our listeners to either. We cover schlocky horror movies, prestigious dramas, and everything in between.
Watch a brief explanation of our show